Monday, 11 May 2009

Update of My Girls - Wollongong Kids Photographer

Hi Guys,

Well, I can't believe it, but my baby Cianna will be 1 in just 5 weeks, where has the year gone? Its crazy. Its a happy sad time to know that my 2nd and last baby is almost not a baby anymore. She is walking too. I just wish I could freeze time.

I'm having an Alice in Wonderland party for her 1st birthday. Mum has made her a gorgeous Alice dress and I did some pics for her invitation. I'm having lots of fun planning the party though.

Hope you enjoy My Baby Alice and a few others from the past couple of weeks.

This is Cianna's new fully cloth bum. Decided to go down the path of MCN (modern cloth nappies) and we're loving it.

My gorgeous sister in law and I decided to get our 5 kids together and do a shoot. The image below is the result and became a lovely canvas for my mother in law and grand mother in law (the kids great grandmother)

And this is my 2 nephews and niece. Aren't they just so cute?

And this is a special storyboard I did for my Mum to celebrate Cianna's first Mothers Day

1 comment:

Gillian Foley said...

Oh how sweet!!! Beautiful storyboard, Carissa!!