Sunday, 5 April 2009

Dakota Lucy (aka Koda Pops) - Wollongong Child Photographer

I went out yesterday and had a session with Miss Dakota, her mum is due to have a new little bubba very soon and she is also my good friend. I can't wait to meet your new little munchkin.

We had such great time, looking for fairies, making (and drinking) cups of tea, finding rainbows and birdy and going on a holiday. I just love the make believe world that kids live in, so innocent and care free, I wish I was 2 again.

Koda is Little Miss Personality, we had all the emotions yesterday, from intense to careful happiness.

Here's a few pics for a quick sneak peek. I hope you like them Kylie, Jeremy and Koda.


Kylie Montgomery said...

The Pic's of my little Munchkin are FANTASTIC!!!

It's hard out of just these few photo's to pic a favourite!

But if I had to pic, I would probably say the last one... oh and the ... well all of them.

Thanks Carissa, can't wait to play some more when my little Bubba Blue comes.

Carissa Little said...

I'm so glad you like them Kylie, I had such a great time on Saturday, Koda is such a character and a pleasure to photograph.

Getting excited about your new blue one now.

Carissa x