Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Alyssa's Christening - Wollongong Children's Photographer

It was Alyssa's Christening on Sunday and I was lucky enough to be taking photos. It was a perfect day in every way.

Alyssa is an absolute doll, I can't wait to do her portrait session in a few weeks. And her big brother Tyson, is so playful and fun, keeping us all laughing.

Congratulations Christie, for putting together such a fantastic day.

I hope you enjoy your sneak peek.


Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous! THANKYOU


Helsyd said...

what a gorgeous cake!,
great photos Carissa

Gillian Foley said...

Oh just perfect!! Beautiful subject and gorgeous shots, Carissa!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Pics! I especially love the one of Alyssa on her own.