Sunday, 31 August 2008

Annika's 2nd Birthday Party - Part 1 - Wollongong Childrens Photographer

It is taking me forever to get through editing Annika's party pics, there are just so many. The party was just fantastic and the kids had a ball (and so did I lol).

Still can't believe that her 2nd birthday has been and gone, she is growing up way too fast. I want to freeze time for just a little while.

So this is the first installment of pics, there are more to come so stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Oh how awesome. Looks like some party (mind kind of party with all thay yummy looking food lol).
You've done such a wonderful job with the pics. Well done. x

Carissa Little said...

Thanx Narelle

LK said...

Carissa, I still remember the pink theme for Annika's 1st birthday! I didn't think you would be able to top that but you did! OMG! You rock!

Carissa Little said...

Thanx LK, now I'm blushing.

The purple theme all started from a pair of shoes that Annika's Grandma gave her, from there my mum made a dress to match and then all the other purple things.

Anonymous said...

Oh how gorgeous. My DS would love you Carissa, he had that cake all picked out for the entire year, and changed his mind to Thomas the Tank at the last minute lol. Looks like the party was a huge success, the food is amazing!

Renee Bell said...

awww carissa these are gorgoeus!!!!