Sunday, 31 August 2008

Annika's 2nd Birthday Party - Part 1 - Wollongong Childrens Photographer

It is taking me forever to get through editing Annika's party pics, there are just so many. The party was just fantastic and the kids had a ball (and so did I lol).

Still can't believe that her 2nd birthday has been and gone, she is growing up way too fast. I want to freeze time for just a little while.

So this is the first installment of pics, there are more to come so stay tuned.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Hey Baby - Wollongong Baby Photographer

Just a few more pics of my Cianna, just 'cause I can LOL

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

My Baby Turned Two - Wollongong Childrens Photographer

Wow how the time flies. It just feels like yesterday that my sweet baby Annika was born and last Thursday (21 Aug) she turned 2. She's not a baby any more but a gorgeous little girl. Not only is she the cutest little thing (I'm biased I know) but she has the kindest heart too.

Happy Birthday my precious Annika. Love you lots. xxxxxxxx

I took these pics on her birthday so I had a record of what she was like when she turned 2.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Sweet Baby Marshall - Wollongong Newborn Photographer

Hey Everyone,

Well lucky me got to do a session with 9 day old Marshall on Wed.

He is such a sweetie, and so tiny, even compared to Cianna who is only 6 weeks older than him. It's simply amazing how fast they grow so I really love to capture their tininess because it doesn't last very long at all :(

He was such a great model and slept alot of the time, I love sleepy baby pics. He is a perfect baby, his skin is gorgeous. Colin and Sara make beautiful babies.

His Dad made a very cool wall plaque using the word "Marshall" from an old Marshall amplifier, you'll see it in the pics.

Hope you enjoy the sneak peek guys.

Carissa x

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Miss Sarah and her Mum and Dad - Wollongong Baby Photographer

I had a great session with gorgeous Miss Sarah and her Mum and Dad yesterday. Sarah was the perfect model and a delight to photograph. She has the biggest eyes I have ever seen, like dinner plates and sooooo blue.

I hope you enjoy your sneak peek.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Welcome Marshall

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that Sara had her precious little boy Marshall on Monday 28th June. I was lucky enough to meet him today, wow what a cutie and he is so teeny tiny.

I can't wait to do his photo shoot next Wednesday.

Congrats Sara, Colin and big sister Maddie.

Carissa x