Saturday, 12 July 2008

Our Beautiful Cianna

By just a few days old, Cianna was already becoming accustomed to being the daughter of a photographer LOL. I couldn't wait to do a photo session with her.

I will let my photos tell the story here and show off our gorgeous little girl.

My two gorgeous girls. Annika is such a great big sister.

Mum had just finished crocheting this cocoon, she hadn't even sewn up the end (hence the ball of ball at the bottom) before I took some photos with Cianna.

This blanket was crocheted by my late grandmother.

Don't you just love the chubby double chin.

Maybe a little "smile" here?????


Gillian Foley said...

Oh my hat, she is just divine! As is Annika! Dare I say, Cianna looks like you! Gorgeous girls - you are truly blessed! xx G

Anonymous said...

Oh Carissa she is JUST adorable such a pretty little poppet!