Thursday, 27 November 2008

Couple O' Country Kids - Wollongong Photographer

I had a fun session yesterday with Adam and Jess, we went all out country. R.M Williams shirts, a ute and a couple of old farm sheds. These guys were really cool and up for anything I suggested. I really got into things too, managing to get some kind of animal poo on my jeans LOL.

I hope you like your sneak peek guys.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Santa Baby - Wollongong Baby Photographer

I had a great time on Saturday with 3 month old Aiden and his mum and dad. Aiden is the sweetest little boy ever, he is so relaxed and just went along with anything we wanted to do. Mum and Dad were fantastic too.

I hope you enjoy your sneak peek.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Turning Pointe Acadmey of Dance

I had a great time on Saturday at Turning Pointe Academy of Dance, the kids were all so much fun and looked so fantastic in all their costumes. A BIG Thank You to Miss Rebecca for organising the day and a super Thank You to Sharon for all her help on the day.

Here's a little sneak peek for you all. The complete set of photos will be available to view and order on my website from Sat 22nd Nov through to Sun 30th Nov. I will also have proof books to view at the Taren Point Studios on Sat 29th Nov 11am - 1pm.

Just Showing Off My Sweet Cianna - Wollongong Baby Photographer

Hi Everyone,

Well my little baby isn't so little anymore she is 5 months old today, how did that happen so quickly. She is such a sweetie and laughs all the time, she's very jolly. She's starting to move around heaps now, Annika gets all excited when she sees Cianna rolling around. Annika will call out "Look Mummy, Cianna rolled over". Its just so cute.

Anyway here are a couple of pics I took the other day.