Friday, 12 December 2008

Santa's Little Helpers - Wollongong Child Photographer

We had a little Christmas party today, at our place, with Mother's Group. So I dressed the girls up in their matching Christmas dresses and we had some time, before everyone arrived, to do some photos. I know I'm just looking with my mummy eyes, but my little girls are just soooooo gorgeous. Don't you agree?

Thursday, 11 December 2008

I Love Being a Mum

Oh I'm so excited about Christmas coming, Annika is totally aware of Christmas this year. She has been to see Santa heaps of times and tells him everytime that she wants a camera. How cute is that!!

Anyway, I've bought her a gorgeous little pink tutu and new ballet shoes for Christmas, I've also got a matching set for her Baby Born doll. Annika was up at my mum's place today so I decided to take some photos of them. Awwww too cute for words.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

A Very Cool Hotrod - Wollongong Children's Photographer

Yesterday I had a session with a gorgeous pair of twins, Nicole and Kimberley, for their Year 6 Formal. I've known these girls since they were 2 years old and it feels like just yesterday they were so so tiny, now they are off to high school next year. Congrats to your mum and dad for raising such amazing young ladies.

I hope you had a great night.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Fun at the Park - Wollongong Child Photographer

Yesterday I had a great session with Jackson, he is the coolest little kid. So cute and so relaxed, we had so much fun running around the park, picking flowers and having a slide.

I hope you enjoy your sneak peek.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

A Qunitet of Beauty - Wollongong Photographer

Yesterday I had such a great time photographing five gorgeous girls for their Year 10 formal. Tamara, Jess, Michelle, Shayne and Brittany were fantastic models and were up for anything. They had a Pontiac come and pick them up too, it was so exciting.

Tamara is a true inspiration to us all. She is currently fighting neuroblastoma and has been for nearly 6 years now. Kathy and Edy you are truly blessed to have such a gorgeous and intelligent daughter with an absolute won't take "No" for a answer attitude.

I hope you enjoy your sneak peek